Code:Generate an Attachment

From AgileApps Support Wiki

This example uses a Document Template to generate a PDF or HTML document, and then attaches the document to the current case. It is expected that the method will be invoked from a Rule.

In outline, the process is:

  1. Get the record ID from the incoming method parameters.
  2. Use the generateDocument API to create a PDF (or HTML) document from an existing template.
  3. Use the getDocument API to retrieve it, in the form of a PlatformFileBean.
  4. Use the addRecord API to attach the document to the case.
package com.platform.yourCompany.yourPackage;

import com.platform.api.*;
import com.platform.beans.*;
//import java.util.*;

public class UtilityFunctions
  // This signature allows the method to be invoked from a rule.
  // We assume it is invoked on a Case record.
  public void generateAttachment(com.platform.api.Parameters inParams)
     throws Exception
     String documentTitle = "PUT TITLE OF GENERATED DOCUMENT HERE";
     String templateID = "PUT ID OF DOCUMENT TEMPLATE HERE";

     // Get the record ID from the incoming parameters
     String objectID = inParams.get("object_id");
     String recordID = inParams.get("id");

     // Generate the document
     Result result = Functions.generateDocument(objectID, recordID, templateID, 
                                          // or CONSTANTS.DOCUMENT.PDF 
     int resultCode = result.getCode();
     if (resultCode < 0) {
        String msg = "Document generation failed"; + ":\n" + result.getMessage(), "genAttachment");
        Functions.throwError(msg + ".");

     // Retrieve the document as a PlatformFileBean
     String docID = result.getId();
     result = Functions.getDocument(docID);
     resultCode = result.getCode();
     if (resultCode < 0) {
        String msg = "Failed to retrieve the document"; + ":\n" + result.getMessage(), "genAttachment");
        Functions.throwError(msg + ".");
     Parameters docParams = result.getParameters();
     PlatformFileBean fileBean = docParams.getPlatformFileBean(docID);

     // Add the document as an attachment
     Parameters params = Functions.getParametersInstance();
     params.add("title", documentTitle);
     params.add("file_field", fileBean );
     params.add("related_to", objectID+":"+recordID);
     result = Functions.addRecord("attachments", params);
     resultCode = result.getCode();
     if (resultCode < 0) {
        String msg = "Failed to attach document to case"; + ":\n" + result.getMessage(), "genAttachment");
        Functions.throwError(msg + ".");


For a more general solution, add function parameters to specify the document title and the template to use. Then write a wrapper method to supply a specific template, something like this:

public void generate_A1_Attachment(com.platform.api.Parameters inParams)
   throws Exception
   String docTitle = "A1 Attachment";
   String templateID = "9ewr8aasd923234ased0897234d";
   generateAttachment(inParams, docTitle, templateID);

Then, when you create the invocation Rule, you'll choose which wrapper method to use.