Create/Delete Views/Reports/Homepages

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 23:21, 7 June 2012 by imported>Aeric

This permission grants users in a Role the ability to create or delete Views, Reports or Home Pages.

  • The Create/Delete Views/Reports/Homepages permission is enabled by default in all new Access Profiles
  • If Global Views/Reports permission is enabled for a role, then Create/Delete Views/Reports/Homepages permission is Enabled (as an override)
  • If Make Views/Reports Visible to Others permission is enabled for a role, then Create/Delete Views/Reports/Homepages permission is Enabled (as an override)
  • The Create/Delete Views/Reports/Homepages permission is set in Administrative Permissions
About User-Created Views and Reports
About Creating Views, Reports or Home Pages
How it Works
The following actions are available in Views, Reports and Home Pages elements when the Create/Delete Views/Reports/Homepages permission right is enabled or disabled:
Create/Delete Views/Reports/Homepages
Element Enabled Disabled


  • Can create new Views
  • Can see, edit, save/save as, delete self-created Views
  • Can see Views created by other users, if the User has Visibility rights to the view
  • Can use the [Save] or [Save As] actions to modify or clone a self-created View
  • Can use the [Save As] action to modify or clone a Default/System-Generated Views, or Views created by other users
  • [View] or [Edit]/[Save As] views created by other Users, if the User has Visibility rights to the view
  • Can view self-created Views
  • Can not use the [Save] or [Save As] actions


  • Can create new Reports
  • Can [Run], [Customize], [Save]/[Save As] or [Delete] self-created Reports
  • Can [Run], [Customize]/[Save As] Default/System-Generated Reports or Reports created by other users
  • Can use the [Save] or [Save As] actions to modify or clone a Report
  • Can [Run] self-created Reports
  • Can [Run] Reports created by other users
  • Can not [Delete] any reports

Home Pages

  • Can create new Pages
  • Can [Edit] self-created Pages
  • Can use the [Save As] actions to clone existing Pages
  • Can [Delete] self-created Pages
  • Can see Pages created by other users, if the User has Visibility rights to the page
  • Cannot [Edit] or [Delete] Pages created by other users
  • Can add a Widget to self-created Pages; Can edit, delete or reposition Widgets in self-created Pages
  • Can minimize/maximize Widget
About [Save] and [Save As]
  • The [Save] and [Save As] actions allow reports to be saved to these folders:
  • My Report
  • Unfiled Public Report
  • Folder(s) created by the User
  • Folder(s) the User can access, as determined by Folder Visibility settings
  • [Save] replaces the original report
  • [Save As] makes a copy of the report to the selected folder