User Settings

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 23:54, 30 July 2013 by imported>Aeric

Basic Information

First Name The first name of the user
Last Name The last name of the user
Company The company where the user is employed
Title The professional title of the user
User License Type License Type; choose Site User or Platform User
(This option appears only in a tenant-management domain.)
Reports To The person on your team to whom this new user reports to
Access Profile Select an Access Profile from the lookup window
Employee Number The user's work or sales territory and employee number; if a user supports multiple territories, include each territory, separated by commas

Locale Information

Time Zone Time Zone, based on Time Zone Codes
Date Format Choose a Date Format from the drop-down list.
Language User's initial language.
(Only shown if Multiple Languages has been specified in Company Information.)

Login Information

Email The email address to use for sending and receiving email through the platform
Username Username is a unique name associated with each User. Username is required to Login, can be an email address or an alphanumeric text string.
Active Makes this User's account active
Single Sign-On

If Single Sign-On is enabled, one of the following options is displayed, depending on the configuration:

  • Single Sign-On - Pass Thru
Supply address information for a custom authentication server.
  • Single Sign-On - Delegated Authentication
  • Checkbox
  • If checked, Single Sign-on is enabled for this user
  • Single Sign-On - SAML
  • Either a Federation Id or platform User Id field is displayed.
  • If blank, Single Sign-on is disabled for this user
  • Enter a value to enable Single Sign-On for this user
  • UserId is the Record Id of the user that is logged in
  • Federated Identity acts as a user's authentication across multiple IT systems or organizations

Team Membership Information

Primary Team Each user must be assigned to a Primary Team.

Address and Contact Information

Phone The user's telephone number, including area code
Mobile Phone The user's mobile phone number, including area code
Fax The user's fax number, including area code
Street Address The user's street address
City The user's city
State The user's state or province
Postal/Zip Code The user's postal or zip code
Country The user's country
Receive Newsletter Get emailed newsletters from the company, whenever they are sent
Send Welcome & Login Information by Email Notify the user by email of changes in their account

When a User is added, the record remains in the database, and the tasks and activities associated with that user are tracked in the Audit Log.