Document Template Classes

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 19:03, 5 April 2012 by imported>Aeric

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About Print Template Classes

As far as a Print Template is concerned, a data object is simply a HashMap in the TenantContext. By manipulating the HashMap(s) it contains, you change the data that the Print Template has available for processing.

  • Template reference: $objectName.fieldname
  • Retrieve a data object: TenantContext.get(objectName)
  • Add or update a data object: TenantContext.put(objectName)
  • Get a field from data object:
  • Add or update a field in a data object:

Configuring the Print Template to Use the Method

--select the class, and the method to use
--only methods with the appropriate signature are listed:
  • arguments:
  • return value:


Changing Field Data=

Example: Adding a New Field

Example: Adding a New Object