Category:Release Notes

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Release Notes for the installable version of the AgileApps Cloud platform.

See also:

About the Installable Version

The installable version of the AgileApps Cloud platform allows you to create and manage a private cloud behind your firewall. AgileApps Cloud platform also helps you to set up a public cloud with a shared application and global data.

What's New

To view the list of the latest fixes, view Version 10.16.9 (June 2024).

Features in 10.16.9 Release (June 2024) Icon new.png

Java 17

We support Azul JDK Java 17 for the runtime user interface.


Important: After applying the patch, ensure that you perform the following steps required for Java 17 configuration:
1. Install Java 17 fixes with "Update Manager" utility. 2. Add the following property after the set.LONGJUMP_HOME property in the file "/opt/softwareag/profiles/IS_default/configuration/custom_wrapper.conf"

set.JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS=--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports java.xml/

3. Comment the following properties in the file "/opt/softwareag/profiles/IS_default/configuration/custom_wrapper.conf"

4. Comment the following property in the file "/opt/softwareag/profiles/IS_default/configuration/tomcat/conf/RN/"


Features in 10.16.8 Release (May 2024)

OAuth support for email configuration

We support OAuth email configuration for the Gmail server. This feature allows you to send and receive AgileApps emails using OAuth instead of basic authentication. For more information, refer the Service Configuration page.

Case Collaboration

When two users have opened the same case record, this feature enables seamless collaboration through the chat window on the right sidebar. Additionally, if two users are viewing the same case record, a popup dialog notifies them that another user may be modifying this record. For more information, refer the Case Collaboration page.

Features in 10.16.7 Release (February 2024)

Session management

Session management enables you to manage user sessions by setting session limits and defining actions for when the limit is reached. For more information, refer the Session Management page.

Secure MySQL communication between AgileApps and MySQL server

Enhanced security by implementing secure communication between AgileApps and the MySQL Server. For more information, refer the Establish SSL Connection page.

Single Sign out support for SSO user

Single sign-out support is now available for SSO users in AgileApps. This feature ensures that when an SSO user logs out of the AgileApps application, they are seamlessly logged out from the SSO platform as well. This implementation enhances security by requiring the user to log in to the SSO platform again before accessing AgileApps. For more information, refer the SAML page.

Features in 10.16.5 Release (July 2023)

Saved Searches

Saved Search allows the users to save their search results, including the search keywords and the objects being searched. This will ensure accessibility and visibility for the users while using the AgileApps platform. For more information, view the Search page.

Application Landing page

With this feature, you can customize the landing page of your applications in AgileApps. The landing page can be configured in the Edit profile and Tenant Personalization pages. By default, the Dashboard would be the landing page for all applications. For more information, view the Edit Profile page.

Application Icon

Now you can customize your application icon on the 'Applications' page (Configuration > Applications). We support the following file types: gif, jpeg, png, and jpg. For more information, view the Application Metadata Configuration page.

Retention period in Debug Log

This option allows configuring an automatic data purge of the Debug Log based on your choice of retention period. The retention period can be set from one to 60 days and is set to two days by default. All debug log entries older than the specified days are purged automatically. For more information, view the Debug Log page.

Features in 10.16.4 Release (May 2023)


Bookmarks in the AgileApps platform allow you to save frequently visited Object records for quick access. This feature is particularly useful for users who frequently navigate between different parts of the AgileApps application. For more information, view the Bookmarks page.

Tenant Personalization

The tenant personalization feature enables users to personalize the platform to meet their specific needs and preferences, without affecting the experience of other tenants. By adjusting various settings, you can make the platform more personalized, visually appealing, and easier to use. For more information, view the Tenant Personalization page.


Note: Before you install/upgrade, ensure you save the existing settings such as Header Logo, Website URL, Favicon, Mobile Logo, and Header Background Color in the Service Portal settings (Configuration > Channels).

Eclipse Plug-in

Eclipse Plug-in creates a bridge between the Eclipse development environment and the AgileApps platform. It provides a good, syntax-highlighting editor with "go to definition" capabilities and other features. For more information, view the Eclipse Plug-in page.

Features in 10.16.2 Release (February 2023)

Following is the list of features that are part of the 10.16.2 patch release.


This feature enables you to perform a search to find all records in the platform that contain the characters or words you specify, in the following ways:

  1. You can perform a search in all the listed objects by default.
  2. To perform a search under specific objects, you can update the object list by checking or unchecking the items or providing the object filter keyword in the 'Choose object(s) to search in' text field.

For more information on this feature, view the Search page.

Email Channel - OAuth Configuration with POP3S

  • Setting up a new or updating the existing Email Channel with OAuth as the authentication type with IMAPS protocol was introduced in the previous patch 10.15.5. For more information, view the Mailbox page.
  • The configuration of OAuth with POP3S protocol is enabled in this release.

AgileApps Runtime UI Upgrade from Angular version 7 to 13

The AgileApps Runtime UI is upgraded from Angular version 7 to 13 along with all the dependent packages. For more information, view the New Runtime User Interface for AgileApps page.

AgileApps Designtime UI Upgrade to Runtime Look and Feel

The AgileApps Designtime UI is upgraded to appear the same in look and feel as the Angular Runtime UI by making changes in the style sheets. For more information, view the New Designtime User Interface for AgileApps page.

Application Metadata Configuration for the App Designer

This feature enables the user to view and update application specfic metadata under the respective applications listed in the 'Administration > Applications' page when the user creates or installs any application on the AgileApps platform. For more information, view the Application Metadata Configuration page.

Features in 10.16 Release (October 2022)

Following is the list of features that are part of the 10.16 release.


Post installing AgileApps 10.16, if you want to use the Integration Server, it doesn't start as expected.
You may want to start the Integration Server using the webMethods Installer, perform the following step before starting the Integration Server.

  • Copy the file from the path {InstallDir}/IntegrationServer/instances/default/config/security/esapi to the path {InstallDir}/profiles/IS_default/configuration/tomcat/conf/RN/esapi

Software Support

  • MySQL 8.x
For more information, view Software Requirements and Hardware Requirements.
The feature provides the support of MySQL version 8.x with AgileApps Cloud Version 10.16 which is part of the webMethods Suite Version 10.15.


The feature is supported only in the AgileApps Cloud version for now. For on-prem customers, upgrade the AgileApps platform to version 10.16 as the first step, and for the upgrade of the MySQL database to version 8.x, reach out to the Product Management team.

Upgrading an existing installation

AgileApps upgrade program supports the following AgileApps server upgrades:

For both Windows and Linux, you can upgrade to 10.16.0 from the following versions:

  • Version 10.9.x
  • Version 10.10.x
  • Version 10.11.x
  • Version 10.12.x
  • Version 10.13.x
  • Version 10.14.x
  • Version 10.15.x

Upgrade program

AgileApps Cloud uses an upgrade utility to update from an existing application server (above listed versions) to the target application server. This utility migrates the custom JARs from the existing application server to the target application server.

For more information about the upgrade program, view Upgrading to Version 10.16.

Multiple files attachment in a record for the new user interface

This feature enables you to upload or download multiple files to record attachments. Prior to this implementation, you could upload only one file at a time to record attachments using the file uploader dialog and download the file by clicking on the attachment file items listed in the right-side panel.


Version 10.16.8 (May 2024)

  • Web form personalization

Customization of the form layout web forms, such as logo, theme, and custom color, is now available.
After installing the version 10.16.8 patch, the existing web forms will have a new look and feel. The default header color of the existing web forms will be #1776bf and the logo must be updated manually. For more information, refer the Web Forms page.

  • Error message validations

The following options have been added to the Set field-level display for error message in Validations: Add, Delete, and Reset. Previously, three fields were present by default. Now, only one field is available by default. You can manage the fields using the new options. For more information, refer the Validations page.

  • Automatically collapse sidebar on login

You can now configure the sidebar to collapse upon login in the new UI. By default, the sidebar is expanded upon login. For more information, refer the Edit Profile page.

  • New parameter in CUI component

We've added a new parameter "[safeFlag]" in the <ace-record-task-view> CUI component to help users complete or approve the tasks depending on their role. For more information, refer the CUI Components page.

  • Widget on Overview page

You can now set one of the dashboard widgets to display on the overview page. This option is particularly beneficial when users have access to multiple widgets, as it provides high-level metrics on the overview page for important or frequently accessed data. For more information, refer the Widgets page.

  • History and notes on record form

You can configure the availability of the History and Notes icons on the record form. For more information, refer the Form Properties page.

Version 10.16.7 (February 2024)

  • Logout user after password changes

When a user changes the AgileApps password with session management capability enabled, all the existing sessions will be logged out automatically.

  • Remove plain text passwords from logs

Plain text passwords that were previously present in log files have now been removed to enhance security.

  • Google captcha

When you configure the private and public keys, CSP and CORS whitelisted domains are populated automatically. For more information, view the Google reCAPTCHA page.

  • Angular 13 to 15 upgrade

The AgileApps Runtime UI is upgraded from Angular version 13 to 15 along with all the dependent packages.

  • MySQL v8 upgradation

Now, we support the upgrade of MySQL version 5.7 to 8 in AgileApps. For more information, view the Upgrading to MySQL v8 page.


Version 10.16.6 (November 2023)

  • The 'Document Templates' option is now available under Configuration > Case Management for easy access. You can also access it under Configuration > Customization > Objects > {object}.
  • The Schedule business rule configuration property (max_records_per_connection_br_exe) has been added. This property improves the performance of long-running scheduled business rules. The value must be greater than or equal to 1. The default value is 10.

Bug Fixes

Following are the fixes available.

Version 10.16.9 (June 2024)Icon new.png

  • When the field on the source object in lookup copy data is mapped more than once to the field on target object, the data is not copied to the target field from source object.
  • Special characters like apostrophes (') in field names cause console errors when opening a report.
  • When a user presses the Ctrl key and clicks on a hyperlink of the record, the record details open up in both the current tab and a new tab.
  • When the global picklist is used in a layout rule, the selected value in the record details is not displayed.
  • The user is unable to close the overlay window in mobile view.
  • The user is unable to select the Configuration icon in accessibility mode.
  • The overlay window remains visible even after logging out in mobile view.
  • Upon updating the email signature in the Edit Profile section, the updated email signature did not reflect in the Notes section of the record details.
  • Clicking on Settings in the overlay in mobile view displays a blank grey overlay with the Return to Main Content link not fully visible.
  • The default favicon is appearing in the address tab of the application window instead of the uploaded favicon.
  • The alignment of the labels and checkboxes in the record access permissions list is broken.
  • Date modified/Date created in the German language with the format hh:mm a is not displayed correctly on the Overview page for the application.

Known issues (Version 10.16.9 - June 2024)

  • An error message is not shown when logging out the same session from the session management list.
  • After creating the maximum number of sessions and restarting the system, users are unable to log in.
  • After exceeding the session limit, automatic logout does not result in redirection.
  • When keys are configured in ISV settings for Google Captcha, the checkbox should be automatically checked in both case type and non-case type objects. This impacts the behavior of generated HTML web forms.
  • Non-whitelisted file types are not handled for non-case type objects in the web form for the company logo.
  • Unselecting objects that contain search results leads to reopening the overlay.
  • The View on Overview button does not change to Remove from Overview after adding an HTML/Page widget.

Version 10.16.8 (May 2024)

  • SI#549848 - The user is unable to enter JavaScript code in the "New UI SCRIPT" tab of the Form.
  • SI#550246 - We resolved the exception in the Parameters class get() method when fetching the BigDecimal value of an input key.
  • SI#548615 - In the file attachment field, users are unable to use "Ctrl+click" or "Shift+click" to select multiple files. Additionally, selecting a different browser resulted in the replacement of files in the list.
  • SI#548571 - The "Date_Modified" and "Date_Created" fields are not listed in the formula builder.
  • SI#550938 - When a user attempts to edit an existing record and set the picklist field as empty, the list does not contain an option to set it to empty/blank.
  • SI#555522 - When a subform displayed as a form tab is hidden in the form, users are unable to create records.
  • When the junction object is updated in the subform, the "Select a valid junction object record" error appears when saving the main form.
  • When the subform is saved, the updated junction object record fails to synchronize with the lookup of the associated object.
  • In the DCM application, the standard fields of cases object such as Case number, Subject, Description, Last Activity, Priority, Close Date, From User Id, Message Id, and Source are not translated to German.
  • When an admin user attempts to schedule a report to be sent via email to multiple users with the same email address but on different teams, only one email is triggered.
  • SQL with German umlaut characters returns parser error.
  • For a few enumerated field types, display values were being displayed instead of display labels in subforms.
  • The weekday calculation does not function correctly when the date format is set to
  • When an admin user provides Dashboard access to a specific user, and that user updates any of the widgets, the admin user is unable to delete the dashboard. This issue occurs only when the dashboard contains at least one widget.
  • The CPU utilization is at 100% while running the AgileApps platform.
  • The weekday calculation does not function correctly when the date format is set to
  • The Manage Delegations property does not work if the Access Control property in access profile is disabled, while the Manage Delegations property is enabled.
  • The scrolling behavior is incorrect when the character length of the tooltip is increased. (Accessibility)
  • When the admin creates a dashboard and grants visibility to specific users, it disappears for the admin if one of those users updates it.
  • If there are unsaved changes and the user clicks 'Logout' from the Edit profile, a popup appears for unsaved changes. If the user clicks the 'Cancel' option in the popup, the application crashes.
  • An error message appears when a user saves the record activities in the Preferences section.
  • When there are no document templates available, the error message is unclear.
  • The HTML web form is being submitted even when the mandatory fields are left empty; only the mandatory fields present in the form layout are validated.
  • The HTML web form does not function as expected. This occurs when a user initially designates certain custom fields as mandatory, changes them to non-mandatory, and then reverts them back to mandatory status.
  • An incorrect error message appears upon uploading the profile picture.
  • When a user's date-time format differs from the company information date-time format, the macro throws an error upon execution.
  • Even a regular user with only viewing permission for the record can select it for deletion in the Subform.
  • When record-level access is set for a record, the provided access rights cannot be revoked.
  • If there are 10 to 12 open views, adding a new view does not allow arrows to navigate through all the views.
  • Schedule rules set to execute for five days of the week are not getting triggered.
  • The files uploaded via REST API is not working as expected.
  • While creating a new folder in reports, if a user clicks on the Cancel button after entering the mandatory fields, the confirmation message is not displayed.
  • The "Cancel" button on the "Create New View" window is not working.
  • The time zone list in the "Edit Profile" window is not sorted.
  • Previously, the "Remove All" button was visible for Bookmarks even when none were present. Now, it will only appear if bookmarks exist.
  • The current third-party component JSON jar version 20080701 used is vulnerable. It has been upgraded to a safer version 20231013. (Security)

Known issues (Version 10.16.8 - May 2024)

  • When a user updates their email signature in the Edit Profile, the changes do not appear in the record notes section of the email body.
  • An error message is not shown when logging out the same session from the session management list.
  • After creating the maximum number of sessions and restarting the system, users are unable to log in.
  • After exceeding the session limit, automatic logout does not result in redirection.
  • When keys are configured in ISV settings for Google Captcha, the checkbox should be automatically checked in both case type and non-case type objects. This impacts the behavior of generated HTML web forms.
  • Non-whitelisted file types are not handled for non-case type objects in the web form for the company logo.
  • Unselecting objects that contain search results leads to reopening the overlay.
  • The View on Overview button does not change to Remove from Overview after adding an HTML/Page widget.

Version 10.16.7 (February 2024)

  • SI#517358- In the new User Interface of the Runtime, if a user has already defined a condition (Show/Hide Sections and Fields) in layout rules to hide a section and selects option A from the pick list. If option A includes mandatory fields, then switching back to option B hides Section A and makes Section B's fields mandatory. When the user enters data in Section B and attempts to save it, an error message appears.
  • SI#516663 - When the user attempts to reset the password, the security question is not fully displayed and cannot be scrolled to read.
  • SI#518210- While assigning a user to a team during the account creation process, an error message appeared.
  • SI#517636 - If a user selects the OAuth authentication type when creating an Email Channel, the Authorization Code is truncated, and the user is unable to save it. This issue is resolved by increasing the character limit.
  • SI#519381 - When case creation occurs through email channel or when a user replies to the email within the record, the email content is truncated.
  • SI#524677 - When a user uploads five attachments after creating a record, a few of the attachments do not appear until the page is refreshed.
  • SI#519819- When the user deletes a created database view, they are automatically logged out from the tenant.
  • SI#520725 - The tooltip icon is not properly focused upon by the mouse pointer. We have resolved the tooltip flicker issue; however, setting the focus with a single mouse click cannot be achieved. Non-accessibility users will have to use a combination of tab and mouse to set the focus on the tooltip and use a mouse wheel to scroll.
  • SI#522652 - When a user replies to an email template notification in the Task Object from Outlook, they receive a processing error email even if they have Process Task Replies enabled.
  • SI#522909 - The DATECOMP function is not working as expected in the list view of Custom Access Criteria (CAC).
  • When a user attempts to create a record with custom fields hidden, the layout rule does not function properly, resulting in the record being saved without mandatory fields being filled in.
  • When an actual user logs in, the Audit log shows that an actual user and a guest user has logged in.
  • The current third-party component JSON jar version 20080701 used is vulnerable. It has been upgraded to a safer version 20230227.
  • Upon creating a layout rule to filter the available picklist values, the form's fields remain empty even when the values are filtered.
  • When a user creates a field named 'object_id' and then uses a custom form action to print the text in that field on the console, it doesn't print the expected text; instead, it shows null.
  • When the role of a user is changed, the user retains their existing role and does not acquire the newly assigned role.
  • When the ownership of a record is changed, the record view must be reloaded automatically.
  • When the user clicks on the "Remove all" button without creating any saved search, an improper error message appears.
  • There is no keyboard accessibility for the search filter menu. (Accessibility)
  • The CPU utilization is at 100% while running the AgileApps platform.
  • Values set by the business rules of the parent object are not functioning correctly with the child object.
  • In the Business rule, there is no error message regarding the character limit for the text area.
  • We have fixed the thread race condition that occurred during record creation.
  • An "Invalid view ID" error message occurs upon deleting a 'Created view' in the Cases module.
  • The Preview window does not have a scrollbar when a user selects the Print preview in new window option on the record.

Known issues (Version 10.16.7 - February 2024)

  • When a user updates the email signature in the edit profile, the changes are not reflected in the record notes section in the email body.
  • The HTML web form is not functioning as expected when a user initially designates certain custom fields as mandatory, changes them to non-mandatory, and then reverts them back to mandatory status. The custom fields that are set as mandatory do not behave as intended.
  • The HTML web form is being submitted even when the mandatory fields are left empty; only the mandatory fields present in the form layout are validated.
  • No error message is displayed when the same session is logged out from the session management list.
  • Unable to log in once a user creates the maximum number of sessions and restarts the system.
  • The redirection does not occur after the automatic logout when the session limit is exceeded.
  • When keys are configured in ISV settings for Google Captcha, the checkbox should be automatically checked in both case type and non-case type objects. This affects the behavior of generated HTML web forms.
  • Layout rules are not working as expected in the new UI.

Version 10.16.6 (November 2023)

  • SI#506813 - There is a problem with the show/hide of Lookup-derived fields in the form, except for the Lookup itself.
  • SI#510456 - A single condition is stored regardless of the number of conditions added at a time.
  • SI#510500 - While editing the form, the read-only checkboxes are not rendering as expected.
  • SI#518653 - When the user attempts to save the Case object, the action is not completed, and an error message is displayed, stating that the Field or Function name does not exist. The MySQL commands, db-username, and db-password are available in the log files.
  • SI#520337 - In the Service Desk application, the "Quick text" option is unavailable in the Notes section of the Cases module.
  • SI#521051 - The current third-party component tomcat jar version 8.5.88 used is vulnerable. It has been upgraded to a safer version 8.5.95.
  • SI#517002 - When the user attempts to save the Case object, the action is not completed, and an error message is displayed, stating that the Field or Function name does not exist. The MySQL commands, db-username, and db-password are available in the log files.
  • SI#520551 - The "Setup value in picklist" option in Form Layouts configuration is not functioning as intended.
  • SI#511846 - Users faced issues to create a record via email2case using the Outlook:
    • If the attachment contains umlaut characters, there is a processing error, and an error message is displayed for the same in both old and new Outlook email box configuration.
    • In new Outlook email box configuration, the images in the email signature are not retrieved in the attachments section of that case.
  • When a user edits a view, selects specific fields in the "Sort By" section of defined criteria, and saves it, an error occurs.
  • When a user creates a record and saves it in the task module, an error "Invalid column name DATEDELETED in sortBy" appears.
  • When a user edits a view in the recycle bin, saves it, then clicks on the object tab to create a record, the page keeps loading, and "No records available" is displayed even if the view contains records.
  • For Platform JSP and HTML Page, the following fields has been added User Language Direction ($user.language_dir) and Is RTL Language ($user.IsRTLLanguage). In addition, we have added two functions for RTL: Function.IsRTLLanguage(String language) and Function.IsRTLLanguage(). These functions can be used in custom classes.
  • Upon entering the date time value as per the date time format in the profile, an error message appears asking the user to enter a user-specific date format.
  • When the user changes the time format to HH: mm in the company portal and while creating a record with the date time field in the filter value of edit view, upon entering the same date time, there is an error message. This filter will work only for the custom datetime field.
  • When a user hovers over the tooltip next to "Expand Details" in the Application Settings section of the Company Information page (Configuration > Administration > Account Management), the message appears next to "Hide Configuration" rather than "Expand Details."
  • When a user hovers over the tooltip next to "Related Task Ownership" in the Task Ownership Settings section of the Company Information page (Configuration > Administration > Account Management), the message appears next to "Hide Configuration" rather than "Related Task Ownership."
  • The object list in the search bar is not refreshing when a user switches the application from the Overview page cards.
  • When the user clicks on the View dropdown in the Manage Views and Reports (Configuration > Administration > Access Management) and selects All Reports, if the user selects the Cancel button after saving any displayed activity, the buttons that appear are not aligned correctly.
  • Usernames that are too long are not displayed properly on the Overview page.
  • The + Create New Application button is now available at the top right of the Configuration page in the new UI.
  • The user is able to create a record through web form when the Web Enabled option is unchecked.
  • An error message is not displayed when a restricted file type is uploaded as an app icon. Users are able to upload a non-allowed file type as an app icon.
  • If the Preview New User Interface is enabled in the User Interface settings (Configuration > Account management > Company information), the Create New Application button will not be visible.
  • With CSRF protection enabled, case creation requests return two different response error codes.
  • When a user opens a task in a form and presses the 's' key outside a field, the record is saved in the background. As a result, the task cannot be completed.
  • When the Custom Form Action of the JSP code contains newlines or line breaks, and the user navigates to an existing record and clicks on the More button, a syntax error occurs in the Console tab of the Developer tools.
  • The "Setup value in picklist" option in Form Layouts configuration is not functioning as intended.
  • When the role of a user is changed, the user retains their existing role and does not acquire the newly assigned role.
  • The UI fails to display the current picklist value when a user restricts value selection in the picklist.
  • The alt text of the product logo is not correct.
  • Screen reading tools are unable to read toast messages, including those indicating errors, success, warnings, and other similar notifications in the Chrome and Firefox browsers.
  • In the Web Services module, when the "Use a Pipeline Service" checkbox is selected, the dropdown menu for "Pipeline Service to use" is not displayed.
  • The record view does not display the records even though the records are present in the view.
  • After uploading a file to the file or image field, the UI shows 'undefined' instead of the file name.
  • The Application dropdown appears empty in the Application Access (Edit profile > Access info) window.
  • The CPU utilization is at 100% while running the AgileApps platform.
  • There is no way to distinguish between files with the same name if a user uploads two or more of them in the case record.
  • In Developer Resources, the alphabetical filter disappears when the user clicks on a column header.
  • When a user unselects all checkboxes and clicks Save, the already selected value reappears. Additionally, when a user clicks on the cancel icon of a specific item, they are unable to save, and no error message is displayed. These issues occur in the following options: 'Specific Teams Records only' and 'Specific Users Records only' (Objects > Create new view > Define Criteria > Ownership filter).
  • When a user tries to save a case type that begins with a special character or number, an unclear popup message appears without any information related to the special character.
  • On the Dashboard page, the 'Build a case application' link does not lead to the relevant documentation.
  • Emails sent with a time format set to "HH:mm" are displaying times in an AM/PM format without including "AM" or "PM". In contrast, emails sent with the "hh:mm a" format show times with an incorrect date and include seconds when the time is part of a related object in the email template.
  • When a user sorts the object view criteria, the view is not refreshed until the user reloads the page.
  • When a user modifies the filter date and filter value for the object view criteria, the view is not refreshed until the user reloads the page.
  • Text Area height value is not updated when updated from forms and combined with Rich text area field.
  • The user is able to submit the web form without entering the mandatory fields.
  • The user created an object with lookup fields pointing to the same object and added common additional display fields. In the translation workbench, the identical naming of fields for record IDs and object IDs prevents separate translations.
  • When a parent object has a business rule for updating the record locator fields of a child object, the child object's fields are overridden.
  • The trial period extension message does not appear in the new UI.
  • Screen readers do not read the search status message.
  • When the free text area bar length exceeds the 4096 character limit on the Business Rules page and the Check syntax button is clicked, a warning message is displayed stating that the characters beyond the allowed limit will be truncated.
  • The default favicon has now been changed.
  • Upon clicking on any application, relevant details of the application appear, along with administration component page details.
  • When a user clicks the Clear Debug Log button, a 500 error status code appears.
  • In a webform, custom fields marked as required (*) fail to enforce mandatory status, allowing users to submit the form without completing these fields.
  • Users are not auto populated in the Notes section of the record.
  • An "Invalid view ID" error message occurs upon deleting a 'Created view' in the Cases module.
  • When "Cote d'Ivoire" is chosen in the global country picklist field within an object, an error message is displayed.
  • When an administrator changes the visibility of the standard view to 'only visible to me', it is no longer visible to the user changing the visibility but remains visible to other users.
  • The screen reader reads the incorrect label for the Restrictions button on the Dashboard page.

Known issues (Version 10.16.6 - September 2023)

  • The side panel on the results page is not in sync with the side overlay pane. When you select objects from the side overlay pane, they reflect in the side panel of the results page and vice-versa is not working as expected.
  • Screen reading tools are unable to read toast messages, including those indicating errors, success, warnings, and other similar notifications in the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • When a user updates the email signature in the edit profile, the changes are not reflected in the record notes section in the email body.
  • The HTML web form is not functioning as expected when a user initially designates certain custom fields as mandatory, changes them to non-mandatory, and then reverts them back to mandatory status. The custom fields that are set as mandatory do not behave as intended.
  • The HTML web form is being submitted even when the mandatory fields are left empty; only the mandatory fields present in the form layout are validated.

Version 10.16.5 (July 2023)

  • While creating a new external data source, Web Service is not displayed as a mandatory field. However, when a user saves without selecting a Web Service, an error message appears for selecting the Web service.
  • The DATECOMP function is not working as expected in the list view of Custom Access Criteria (CAC).
  • On the runtime user interface of AgileApps, the scrollbar appeared to be different on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
  • An insecure cookie was available without the HttpOnly flag. We have added the HttpOnly flag to resolve the issue.
  • If the text field and formula field are provided with the same column name, the value of the formula field is getting overwritten in the text field.
  • Upon adding the task in the case record from the right navigation pane, the task form is not closing automatically.
  • Upon merging the case records, tasks that are related to the case records are not appearing on the custom lookup field.
  • Renaming Settings on the design time user interface to Configuration.
  • The current third-party component Xalan jar version 2.7.2 used is vulnerable. It has been upgraded to a safer version 2.7.3.
  • The current third-party component jsoup jar version 1.14.3 used is vulnerable. It has been upgraded to a safer version 1.15.3.
  • The current third-party component Spring framework jar version 5.3.25 used is vulnerable. It has been upgraded to a safer version 5.3.27 / 6.0.9.
  • The current third-party component guava jar version 30.1.1 used is vulnerable. It has been upgraded to a safer version 32.0.0.
  • The Date time field is not aligned properly with the other fields.
  • SI#498047 - There is no option to hide/disable claim or assign functionality in the list view checkbox. This issue is resolved by adding an option in (Configuration > Account Management > Company Information) to hide/disable claim or assign in the record list view checkbox.
  • When a business rule is configured to add two fields and one of the fields is left empty, the result appears as null.
  • Basic authentication was getting appended to the Authorization header in the web service.
  • Upon logging in directly by visiting the front page, the login form appears to be in English always. Instead of the language the application is configured to populate.
  • When a user reloads the run time user interface after logging out of the design time user interface, a blank page appears instead of redirecting to the Login page.
  • A lengthy tooltip was not easily readable as its maximum height was one line. Now we have increased the tooltip height to 5 lines. If the tooltip content is still lengthy, a scrollbar is automatically added to enhance visibility.
  • Upon adding the additional users under views, the users from the previous page don't appear on the current page even though it is checked.
  • On the Configuration > Administration > Applications, the left navigation pane was not visible.
  • While creating a new tenant, the view password icon is not available in the Password and Confirm password fields.
  • Under Configuration > Developer Resources, Templates' was renamed to Custom UI Templates.
  • In the Default Layout page of Forms, the description of the Related Information has been revised to make it more accurate.
  • The Delete icon was not working in the template variables, preventing users from deleting rows.
  • Invalid entry on the Business Hours Calendars page shows an unclear error message.
  • On the Login page, the view password icon is not available in the Password and Confirm password fields.
  • Inspecting the login page leads to a 404 console error.
  • SI#500574 - The DATECOMP function is not working as expected in the list view of Custom Access Criteria (CAC).
  • SI#503926 - Now you can access the right navigation bar with the 'Ctrl + M' keyboard shortcut on the individual case page.
  • The process creation did not include validation for the Specific Email Address field, enabling users to create processes with invalid email addresses.
  • SI#504882 - Users are unable to upload document as a .jsp file to the knowledge base.

Known issues (Version 10.16.5 - July 2023)

  • The side panel on the results page is not synchronized with the side overlay pane. When you select objects from the side overlay pane, they reflect in the side panel of the results page, but vice versa is not working as expected.
  • When a user clicks the Clear Debug Log button, a 500 error status code appears.
  • Upon clicking on any application, relevant details of the application appear, along with administration component page details.

Version 10.16.4 (May 2023)

  • There was no option to restrict the users to create a new tenant using reserve sub domains.
  • Upon clicking the Cancel button, the Record Details View keeps displaying the same record details instead of navigating to the Object List View.
  • When the user uploads a file using the rename toggle in a particular record, the file downloaded displays the original name of the file instead of the modified name.
  • There is no provision to hardcode the URL parts using the custom variable templates during the Web Service configuration.
  • The user is unable to attach an Application to a user who has been created using Macros.
  • On the Account Management > Packages > New Package page of Agileapps, after publishing a new package, the version number is not displayed in the same format as how it was entered by the user.
  • (Security) Component commons-fileupload (ver. 1.3.3) is vulnerable. A safer version is 1.5. A vulnerability allows attackers to trigger a DoS attack by uploading malicious files without limiting the number of request parts processed.
    It has been upgraded to a non-vulnerable version, commons-fileupload-1.5, along with its dependency jar, commons-io-2.11.0.
  • (Security) User input data was not sanitized which lead to XSS payload being executed in the application.
  • Sensitive information in the URL is vulnerable to information disclosure, as detected in DAST scans where the XSRF-token is passed via the URL in both GET and POST requests, which is not recommended. Multiple GET and POST requests were found to be affected.
  • The user is unable to self-register as the portal user created by the community tenant.
  • In AgileApp's new user interface, when the theme is not applied the default header colour of the run-time user interface appears different from the design-time user interface. 
  • SI#499157 - In the On-premises version of AgileApps, the email channel is not working, as the records are not being added and they are redirected to "blocked" state.
  • SI#499306 - The user is unable to reload forms after creating a related record via the object's Related Information section.
  • SI#503401 - The user is unable to select the Task form radio button while creating a task for a case object from the right-side panel. The radio button is getting disabled upon clicking it for the second time.
  • Upon performing mass deletion of the entries, an irrelevant character is displayed at the top of the All Recycle Bin Records page in the new design-time user interface.
  • On the Edit view page, the mat icons are not placed properly and the user has to scroll down to select any mat icon to move the objects from one box to the other.
  • In the new user interface of AgileApps, the user is facing an issue with Record Locator in the lookup field, where the record ID is showing up.
  • In the new user interface of AgileApps, the "allow_record_view_static_fields" field in the Cases object doesn't allow the user to click anywhere on the row even after enabling that in the Object Properties page.
  • The activity history fails to display the task executed when a user carries out an operation on a specific record.
  • In the new design-time user interface of AgileApps, those object names that are lengthy are not displayed properly on the left navigation panel.
  • On the Account Management > Company Information page, under the User Interface Settings section, if the user enables the Hide Configuration leaving the other two options Preview New User Interface and Activate New User Interface disabled, they are not able to revert the changes.
  • On the run-time user interface of AgileApps, the Overview tab in the left navigation pane and the Save button on the Reports page are getting cropped and merged with the header.
  • The user does not see any design-time user interface upgrade done upon selecting a lookup in the Select Tenants text area on the package publishing page.
  • While creating a record in AgileApps, the user doesn't face any issues. But, while updating the record, the platform throws an error that the description is too long. 
  • The description provided under the Preferences sub-module in AgileApps is too long.
  • The user is able to create a record with an invalid contact number in the contact lookup.
  • One of the field labels, "Make ui search faster with index", under Object Information on the Object Properties page is too long and unclear.
  • On the New Relation Information page, under the Related Information section, the Object drop-down displays the objects available in all other applications as well.
  • A blank Users page is displayed when the user tries to update the Owners lookup while creating a record in the AgileApps runtime user interface.
  • SI#492915 - An error message, "Größenänderung des Fotos fehlgeschlagen : (y+height) is out of Raster" is displayed when the user tries to change the profile picture in the new user interface of AgileApps. The error message displayed is also not clear to the user.
  • In both the old and new user interfaces of AgileApps, the Field Audit Log page lacks a Cancel button.
  • In the new design-time user interface of AgileApps, the Classes page lacks a breadcrumb link which helps the user navigate to previous pages.
  • When the Accessibility mode is enabled, the focus frame is available for the header of the records checkbox but not for the records checkbox.
  • SI#503928 - The user is unable to select the mail recipients with the keyboard.
  • The record locator heading is missing when the user clicks on lookup in the AgileApps runtime user interface.
  • A blank page appears, when the user tries to click on the external lookup field.

Version 10.16.3 (March 2023)

  • SI#493006 (Accessibility) - The customer is experiencing issues with tooltips in LJP 10.15 Fix6.2, as they are limited to only 256 characters. However, the customer requires tooltips with up to 1000 characters. Additionally, when the text and controls are magnified to 200%, some tooltip content is not fully visible, causing accessibility issues for visually and cognitively impaired users. The customer has identified the need for tooltips with at least 1000 characters and full visibility at 200% magnification, with scrollbars available if necessary.
  • SI#494732 - The width of the columns is too wide after a recent upgrade in AgileApps platform.
  • SI#492875 (Screen Reader) - The AgileApps runtime UI lacks a clear differentiation between active and inactive menu items. While the active menu item is visually highlighted, this information is not perceptible to blind users. As a result, the active menu item cannot be identified with the screen reader, which does not support orientation based on active elements. This can cause difficulties for users relying on assistive technology to navigate the application.
  • CLDP-4657 - The current third-party Java package used in the docker image 'cldp/lj:' used is vulnerable. It is recommended for the user to upgrade to a safer version to avoid vulnerabilities.
  • Links attached with Learn More buttons on the feature pages and the Release Notes button on the About page in the AgileApps platform are broken.
  • The current third-party component Spring Framework version 5.13.9 used is vulnerable. It is recommended for the user to upgrade to a safer version 6.0.0 or above to avoid vulnerabilities.
  • SI#496297 - The JSP prompts the users to save changes every time when they navigate from any JSP page to another object page, even when no changes have been made.
  • The tab navigation does not work as expected when accessing the AgileApps Search Engine in accessibility mode. The user should be able to navigate to the overlay by using the tab key and exit it using the next tab key, but this functionality is not working properly.
  • In the Windows environment, under the Developer Resources page, when users try to compile a Custom Class, the error: "platform.api packages are not found" is observed.
  • When the accessibility mode is enabled, the "Create new" record form displays a horizontal scroll bar, and some fields are not entirely visible.
  • SI#492900 (Screen Reader) - In the "New Dashboard" pop-up, the Layout radio button group is not labeled as such. The lack of labeling causes the screen reader to display the radio buttons without the associated group label, making it difficult for blind users to recognize which radio buttons belong together in terms of content and function. Blind users must navigate through additional steps to determine the radio button group.
  • SI#492906 (Screen Reader) - Screen readers are not reading out the associated column heading in the first table column when navigating through individual cells using arrow keys in the grid table since the column headers don't have the correct labels. This leads to blind users being unable to connect the contents of the individual table cells with the column heading.
  • SI#492911 (Accessibility) - To ensure good ergonomics, the contrast between the text and background within an application should be maintained at a reasonable level. However, some elements such as Reports fall below the recommended 4.5:1 contrast ratio, leading to readability issues for users.
  • SI#492918 (Accessibility) - When navigating via the keyboard, users with visual or motor impairments may be directed to an unexpected position, necessitating a return to the previously focused content to proceed with their work.
  • SI#492921 (Screen Reader) - The "Close" dialog icon and button in the delegation pop-up window of the AgileApps platform have different labels.
  • SI#492924 (Screen Reader) - Users with motor impairments may use voice control to operate the application. For this reason, it is essential that the visible labels of operating elements are included in the programmatically determinable name, though this is not always the case.
    a) In the "Becoming a Representative" pop-up, the "Cancel" button lacks the visible label within the programmatically determined label, and is therefore identified by the screen reader as a "Close dialog" button. This can create issues for speech control software.
    b) The "Save" button lacks an aria-label altogether.
  • SI#492972 (Accessibility) - The interactive elements within the dashboard or the object list lack a distinct focus frame, making it difficult to identify them.
  • SI#492976 (Accessibility) - Upon performing any operation within the AgileApps platform, a notification message confirming the action is displayed for the users who are using the non-accessibility mode, and it disappears quickly.
  • SI#493026 (Accessibility) - AgileApps' run-time UI pages with syntax errors cause problems in interpreting the content for those users who use assistive technologies for the same.
  • When a user creates an Event Rule on the case 'Owner Change' and assigns it to the same user in a case, the Rule gets triggered.
  • The Update User page displays an erroneous validation message when an incorrect email address is entered while updating the new user details.

Version 10.16.2 (February 2023)

  • There is no proper message displayed while updating the Update Record Locator page with any of the fields being empty. The UI shows two error messages which have the same meaning.
  • When the user selects a language in the Available Language Settings section of the Update Company Information page and performs the same operation by adding some more languages, the previously added languages are displayed repetitively in the 'Language' textbox.
  • The Time Formula field doesn't get updated when the user saves the form for the first time. Upon the second attempt, the value gets updated.
  • When the user navigates from any of the unsaved web tabs of type ".jsp" to standard objects or anywhere in the application, it navigates without asking the user via dialog prompt if they have any unsaved changes on these JSP web tabs.
  • When the user navigates from one web tab to another, both of type ".jsp", the dialog prompt appears asking the user to leave or cancel on the current web tab.
  • The Scheduled Rule doesn't get created in the Portuguese language.
  • The Page Content view is not displaying as expected on Mobile.
  • Some unnecessary scroll bars are displayed on the Runtime UI of the AgileApps platform for the following scenarios:
    1. Record details.
    2. Record list with many records.
    3. Overview page that has multiple tabs.
  • The AgileApps platform is allowing the user to create duplicate section names in the Related Information section while creating Forms in the default layout.
  • On the Update Related Information form, the following error is displayed if a different sort order is chosen for the same Sort By field: "Invalid Sort Order selected. The selected sort order contradicts the previously selected options".
  • The user is unable to see the translation for the error messages for those languages selected other than English.
  • When the user creates a process to send an email to a specific address and invokes the business rule during Record addition, it fails throwing an error "Error in sending mail: Empty address".
  • On the Configuration > Applications page, there are some alignment issues with the line 'Last Modified By <name> at <date>
  • On the New Related Information page, if the user creates an object using an existing section name, the platform allows the object creation but it doesn't allow to use the duplicate section name during the edit operation.
  • The translation value for the field allow_record_view_static_fields in object properties is not displayed properly.
  • When the user tries to download all the files attached to a record, the platform doesn't include some of the unique files and duplicate files while downloading.
  • SI#483178 - An error [object Object] gets displayed for external lookup fields when the user tries to create a record.
  • The current third-party component Jackson Databind version 2.13.3 used is vulnerable. It is recommended for the user to upgrade to a safer version 2.14.0 to avoid vulnerabilities.
  • SI#484253 - With the upgrade to AgileApps version 10.13.25, the user saw the errors displayed in certain formula fields.
  • SI#484859 - The Configuration page shows empty for the Portuguese language.
  • The current X-XSS-Protection header (X-XSS Protection: 1; mode=block) is deprecated and using the same can introduce additional security issues on the client side.
    It is recommended for the user to set the X-XSS-Protection header value as 0 (X-XSS Protection: 0) to disable the XSS Auditor and not allow it to take the default behavior of the browser handling the response.
  • The user is unable to remove the following translated message in the header placed after the localized version of it in the customized emails sent via the AgileApps platform.
    (For example: "Please type your response ABOVE THIS LINE to reply. Case #010001.")
  • SI#486691 - The Timer Rule created on a Record doesn't trigger and thereby the user doesn't receive the mail.
  • SI#488924 - The current third-party component fluent-hc jar version 4.2.3 used is vulnerable. It has been upgraded to a safer version 4.5.14.
  • SI#490567 - If the users want to use the time logging feature in AgileApps and need other categories than predefined, they are not able to change them.
    1. Changing the value for Hours Logged would result in them being empty or blank in the new UI later on.
    2. Adding new values to the picklist is not reflected at all.
  • SI#493448 - Number fields with decimal values where the value is computed by the layout rule don't display correctly when the user switches the Local Information to German (Germany).
  • For every new tenant of the AgileApps platform, under the Policy Settings section of the Update Password Policy page, the default 'Inactive Session timeout' is set to 'Never' which should not be the case as it leads to causing security issues.
  • The file attachment to a record is failing in the old user interface of AgileApps.
  • The data is not getting imported when the user tries to create an application using the Create by Import option with a CSV file in the Application Construction Wizard.
  • Email2Case feature doesn't work when the user configures OAuth in the Cloud Cluster environment.
  • SI#474222 - The Timer Rule doesn't trigger when the user tries to schedule it greater than nine months in the Date field.
  • There is no option for the user to delete or remove the profile photo uploaded in the 'User Profile' section of the AgileApps platform.
  • On the 'Dashboard' > 'Add Widget' window, when the user doesn't provide the input for the required fields, the error message is displayed twice as an inline message and on the top of the window.
  • On the New Related Information page, under the Related Information section, without providing the linking field between the two objects, the related information gets saved successfully.
  • On the Configuration > Data Management > Import Data > Importing Data page, the user is able to select non-CSV files for uploading after the Target Object is selected.
  • The "isForceChangePassword" flag is set to false for an account with an expired password in the subsequent REST API login requests.
  • While configuring the Email Channel in the AgileApps platform, if any of the mandatory fields are left empty or entered the wrong information, there is no proper warning message displayed on the 'Update Mailbox' page.
  • On the Data Management > Import Data > Importing Data > Upload CSV page, the user is allowed to select non-CSV files and the platform updates the name of the uploaded file which is of unsupported file type.
  • The scroll bar doesn't work in the AgileApps platform when the user enables accessibility mode.
  • The left navigation bar doesn't appear when the user creates a new report, selects the report category with pre-filled selected fields, and opens the report by refreshing the page. This is only an issue with some of the older tenants and does not affect the newly created tenants.
  • SI#479001 - Column level sorting behavior is inconsistent between Views, Widgets, and Reports. All of them should have the same sortable columns. It got fixed by enabling flags for the sorting based on lookup fields on the UI.
  • SI#483945 - The Process Model Editor throws an Uncaught DOMException: An invalid or illegal string was specified error on the development console of the browser when the user includes special characters or XML-specific characters in the name of the following process blocks:
  1. User Task
  2. Executable Rule Set
  3. Call Process
  4. Web Service
  • The description in the Notes section on the side panel gets retained even after submitting it. Also if the user adds some text in the Notes editor and switches between tabs without submitting it, the unsaved notes don't get retained.
  • SI#488743 - The user is unable to delete or remove user-specific or company-specific information from the User Profile section.
  • The hours logged in a Case are currently allowed to be negative which isn't correct as the time spent on a particular Case cannot be negative.
  • There is no proper error message displayed while saving an empty process.
  • Some of the modules under Administration, Customization, Case Management, and Help do not have the Learn More buttons which provide the reference to the documentation pages on the AgileApps platform.
  • When a user attempts to upload a profile picture using the old runtime user interface, an error message is shown.

Version 10.16.1 (October 2022)

Following is the fix available with this patch.
  • Integration Server does not start after installing AgileApps.


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.