LDAP Configuration

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Revision as of 02:58, 21 November 2013 by imported>Aeric (→‎Configuring LDAP)

GearIcon.png > Administration > Account Management > LDAP Configuration

If the enterprise has an LDAP server, the platform can be configured to automatically recognize selected users when they log in.

How LDAP Works

Platform Behavior, User Experience and Administration

When a user logs in, the platform carries out the following sequence of activities:

  • If their User record was created in the platform, they log in with those settings.
  • If the user is not known to the platform, the LDAP directory is searched for a matching entry.
  • If none is found, access is denied.
  • If a matching entry exists, a new LDAP-enabled User record is created.
  • Thereafter, when the user logs in, their password is validated against the LDAP directory.
  • At the same time, any changes made to the user's LDAP settings are synchronized with the platform.

As far as the user is concerned, therefore, they simply log in to the platform using the same credentials they use everywhere else.

And as far as admins are concerned, user information is maintained in one place--the LDAP server. Any changes made there are automatically seen by the platform.

Effect on User Profiles

When a user has an entry in an LDAP directory, most of their profile information is maintained in the LDAP server. The platform reads that information from the server. It can no longer be modified in the platform. The exception is profile information that is specific to the platform.

In particular:

  • In the user's Personal Settings page, only the user's Team affiliation and default Application can be modified. Other settings can be viewed, but not changed.
  • In the admin's User Settings page, only the user's Team affiliation and default Application can be modified. Other settings can be viewed, but not changed.
  • In the initial dialog a user sees when they log in, the Reset Password option is disabled.
  • In the admin's Access Management > Users page, the option to Reset Password is disabled for LDAP users.

LDAP Address Expressions

In its simplest form, LDAP can be thought of as a hierarchy of directories, each of which contains entries for users and other entities. But instead of using a URL to address those directories, you use a combination of syntax elements.

For example, consider the URL http://yourCompany.com/united_states/california/users/yourLDAPdata.
That path is specified in LDAP elements using the elements below:

  • DC (Domain Controller) Used to specify the LDAP domain.
For example: DC=yourCompany, DC=com, which corresponds to yourCompany.com in the URL.
  • OU (Organizational Unit) A group that can contain other groups. (Effectively, an "intermediate" group.)
For example: OU=california, OU=united_states, which corresponds to the URL path /united_states/california.
  • CN (Common Name) A group that can contain individual entries, but which cannot contain subgroups.
For example: CN=users, which corresponds to the final directory in the URL.
Within that directory, the entry yourLDAPdata can be found.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Active Directory is currently supported. Open LDAP is under development.
  • A single LDAP server is supported, for now.
  • The search for a matching user does not yet span multiple groups, so a CN entry must be included either in the specification of the search directory, one of the group designations, or in a filter. The search path cannot terminate at an OU or at a higher-level DC (Domain Controller) entry. (These terms are defined below.)
  • The user's Team cannot currently be configured using LDAP attributes. The default team is always used.

Working with LDAP

Configuring LDAP

  1. Examine the configuration settings below to see which individual-user attributes can be populated from LDAP.
  2. If desired, create attributes for those settings in your LDAP server.
    (If all users will have the same settings, this step is not necessary. They'll use the default settings you configure below.)
  3. Go to GearIcon.png > Administration > Account Management > LDAP Configuration
  4. Fill in the configuration settings
  5. Click [Save]

Configuration Settings

  • Server Type - The type of LDAP server. Active Directory is the default.
  • Server URL - The server domain and optional portal. Secure portal #636 is the default.
For example: our.LDAPserver:998
  • Login DN - The Distinguished Name of a user that has admin privileges.
  • Password - The admin user's password.
  • Starting Search Directory - A comma-separated list of DC and OU expressions (and, optionally, a CN expression) that designates the start of the search path.
  • User DN - __TBD__
  • User DN Filter - __TBD__
The (objectCategory=person) and (objectClass=user) parameters do not need to be specified. They are included automatically.
  • Group DN - __TBD__
  • Group DN Filter - __TBD__
The Group search:
The (objectCategory=group) parameter does not need to be specified. It is included automatically.
  • Default Team - A new user's default Team.
  • Default Access Profile - A new user's default Access Profile.
  • LDAP Attribute for Access Profile - The name of an LDAP field that designates the user's access profile.
The LDAP attribute must contain the profile's record ID, not the name of the access profile.
  • Default Application - A new user's default Application.
  • LDAP Attribute for Application - The name of an LDAP field that designates the user's application.
The LDAP attribute must contain the application's record ID, not the name of the application.
  • Default Role - The new user's Role in the application.
  • LDAP Attribute for Role - The name of an LDAP field that designates the user's role in the application.
The LDAP attribute must contain the role's record ID, not the name of the role.


Tip: To get record IDs, use the following procedure:

  1. Navigate to the object in question (Access Profiles, Applications, or Roles)
    GearIcon.png > Objects > {object}
  2. Edit the default view or create a new view for your use.
  3. Modify the view to include the Record ID field.
  4. View the entries in that object
  5. Take the record ID from the column you added to the view.