User Settings

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 23:52, 15 August 2013 by imported>Aeric

Basic Information

First Name User's first name as you would like it to appear in the platform
Last Name User's last name as you would like it to appear
Title User's professional title
Reports To Manager or supervisor
Access Profile The Access Profile assigned to the user
Accessibility Mode This option causes a menu chosen from the platform header (for example, the gear menu) to appear as a dropdown list, instead of in a pop-up window. It is intended for screen-reading software that can read such lists.
Employee Number Optional identification number for each employee
User License Type Site User or Platform User
(This option appears only in a tenant-management domain.)

Locale Information

Time Zone:Choose a time zone from the drop-down list.
Learn more: Time Zone Codes
Date Format:Choose a Date Format from the drop-down list
Language: User's language. (Only shown if Multiple Languages have been selected in Company Information.)

Login Information

Email:The user's email address, used for sending and receiving email through the platform
Username:Username is a unique name associated with each User. Username is required to Login, can be an email address or an alphanumeric text string.
Active:Selecting this option indicates that the user account is active
- Single Sign-On This option appears when Single Sign-On is enabled. It allows a user to login to an organization's secure network with a single username and password, and then access the platform without having to log in again. The following options are displayed, depending on the configuration:
  • Single Sign-On - Pass Thru
Supply address information for a custom authentication server.
  • Single Sign-On - Delegated Authentication
  • If checked, Single Sign-on is enabled for this user
  • Single Sign-On - SAML
  • Either a Federation Id or platform User Id field is displayed.
  • If blank, Single Sign-on is disabled for this user
  • Enter a value to enable Single Sign-On for this user
  • UserId is the Record Id of the user that is logged in
  • Federated Identity acts as a user's authentication across multiple IT systems or organizations

Team Membership

Primary Team: Each user must be assigned to a Primary Team.


Contact Information