Service Portal Settings

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 00:44, 31 October 2012 by imported>Aeric

Service Portals allow for both registered users and guests.

To create a service portal:

  1. GearIcon.png > Customize > Service Portal > [New Service Portal]
  2. Basic Information
    • Title - Give the portal a name you'll recognize when it's displayed in a list with other portals
    • Description - Describe the audience or product the portal is intended for, and how it will be used.
      This information is especially helpful when there are multiple portals.
    • Active - Check this box to make the portal usable. Clear it to disable the portal without removing it.
    • Portal Login URL - The URL is generated when the portal is created.
      This is the URL you will put into your emails and websites.
    • Logout URL - The URL that guests will go to after they logout.
      Typically, this is a page on your organization's website.
      Defaults to __TBD__
    • Solution Category - Specify the category that will be used when searching the knowledge base for relevant information. (Support staff will do that sort of search, whether or not the Knowledge Base is available to external users.)
  3. Portal Features
    • Community - Allow registered portal users to interact with each other.
    • Knowledge Base - Allow registered portal users to access articles published in your Knowledge Base.
    • New Case Submission - Allow registered portal users to submit new cases using the Service Portal.
    • Add Registered Users to Team - Optionally, choose a team for portal users to belong to.
      This choice can be useful down the road, when you set up Team Data Sharing
      Typically, you'll choose the default Service Portal Users Team
    • Allow Users to Self Register - Allow someone who visits your portal to register themselves. Leaving this box unchecked means that only users who receive an invitation can become registered users.
  4. Guest Features
    • Create New Contact for Unmatched Email Address - When a guest user supplies an email address that doesn't exist in the Case Contact database, add a new entry on the spot.
      Select this option to expedite future email communications.
  5. Branding
    • Header Logo - Upload your organization's logo image.
      Recommended size: __TBD__
    • Web Site URL - Enter the URL the users go to when they click on your logo.
      Typically, this is the organization's web site.
    • Favicon - Upload a Template:Favicon image.
      This small image displays in the browser's address bar, in bookmarks, and in browser tabs.
    • Mobile Logo - Upload an image that will be seen by users who access the portal over a mobile device.
    • Page Background Color - Select a background color for the page.
  6. Email Templates
    • Invitation Email -
    • Case Response Email -
    • Auto Acknowledgement Email -