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====Backup and Restore for a Single Tenant====
The items to include are:
# The Tenant's database
# Records related to this Tenant from <tt>relationals.NETWORK_DATABASES</tt>, <tt>relationals.NETWORK_CUSTOMER</tt>, and <tt>relationals.NETWORK_USER_DIRECTORY</tt>
# Records related to this Tenant from <tt>db892085391</tt>
# Tenant's documents from <tt>documents/</tt> and <tt>public_documents/</tt> folders in the file system.
=====Back Up Tenant Data=====
Let’s say you want to back up data for a customer (tenant) whose account number is ‘1234’. Here is the process:
<li>Dump the customer database.<pre>
# mysqldump  -u –p  -R db1234 > db1234.sql
<li>Dump records related to this customer:<pre>
# mysqldump -u -p --complete-insert relationals NETWORK_CUSTOMER \
    -t -w"id=1234" > network_customer.sql
# mysqldump -u -p  --complete-insert relationals NETWORK_USER_DIRECTORY \
    -t -w"customer_id=1234" > network_userdir.sql
# mysqldump -u -p  --complete-insert relationals NETWORK_DATABASES \
    -t -w"id=1234" > network_databases.sql
# mysqldump -u -p  --complete-insert  db892085391 NETWORK_ACCOUNTS -t -w"number=1234" \
    > network_acc.sql
# mysqldump -u -p --complete-insert  db892085391 NETWORK_8c5b349851c041a28d19277a12dee8f0 \
    -t -w"number=1234" > network_tenants.sql
<li>If the tenant/customer is an MSP, dump their service configuration records as well:<pre>
# mysqldump -u -p  --complete-insert  db892085391 NETWORK_ISV_SETTINGS  -t -w"id=1234" \
    > network_isv_settings.sql
=====Restore Tenant Data=====
Restore the data for customer #1234 from the dump files created above:
<li>Create the database for the tenant if it doesn’t exist.<pre>
mysql> create database db1234;
<li>Restore the data.<pre>
# mysql –uroot –p  db1234 < db1234.sql
<li>Restore customer records from the dumped tables:
# mysql –uroot –p relationals < network_customer.sql
# mysql –uroot –p relationals < network_userdir.sql
# mysql –uroot –p relationals < network_databases.sql
# mysql –uroot –p db892085391 < network_acc.sql
# mysql –uroot –p db892085391 < network_tenants.sql
(If you haven’t made changes to the <tt>relationals</tt> and <tt>db892085391</tt> databases, you can safely choose not to restore the records from the related tables.)
<li>Set the admin user ID to "3" (the system user) in the tenant records:
UPDATE db892085391.NETWORK_ACCOUNTS SET owner_id = '3' WHERE number = '1234';
UPDATE db892085391.NETWORK_8c5b349851c041a28d19277a12dee8f0 SET owner_id = '3'
    WHERE number = '1234';
<li>If the tenant/customer is an MSP, restore their service configuration records, as well:
# mysql –uroot –p db892085391 < network_isv_settings.sql

====Learn More====
====Learn More====
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[[Category:Installable Version]]

Latest revision as of 11:58, 13 July 2017

MySQL can be backed up using the mysqldump command - http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/mysqldump.html


Tip: The replicated database server should be used for backups.
To set up for it, see Configuring MySQL to Run on a Separate Server

Standard Database Backup

Dump the database
mysqldump –uroot –pxxx –all-databases –quick –routines –result-file=dumpfile.sql
Dump the database at regular intervals, using a Linux cron job
  • Put the mysqldump command in a shell script - say, xyz.sh
  • Setup cron job e.g. every day at 6 pm
0 18 * * * /yourscriptlocation/xyz.sh > /somedirectory/xyz.out 2>&1
  • Use tar to compress the resulting dump file, to save space.
  • Maintain daily backups for ten days or so, to reclaim the space they use.
  • Maintain monthly backup. Save the dump of last day of the month, for example, and retain the dump file for a year or so.
  • Store long-term backups offsite.

Standard Database Restore

Restoring all data from a dump file
  1. Drop all the databases.
  2. Restart mysqld
  3. Start the restore process and run in background:
mysql –uroot –pxxxx < dumpfile.sql > dumpfile.out 2>&1 &
Restoring a single database or table from a dump file
  • Drop the old database/table:
mysql –uroot –pxxxx $database < dumpfile.sql > dumpfile.out 2>&1 &

Learn More

For more detailed information on database backup and recovery in MySQL, see: