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(Replaced content with "=== Installing and Upgrading the Application Server === {{:Installing the Application Server}} ====Upgrading the Application Server==== {{:Upgrading the Application Server}}...")
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=== Installing and Upgrading the Application Server ===
=== Installing and Upgrading the Application Server ===
{{:Installing the Application Server}}

The Application Server is provided as a compressed Linux file: <tt>longjump_app_server.tar.gz</tt>. The file must be unpacked (uncompressed). Instructions are provided for [[#First-Time Installation|First-Time Installation]] and [[#Upgrades|Upgrades]].
====Upgrading the Application Server====
{{:Upgrading the Application Server}}
*By default, the application server is installed to this destination directory: <tt>/~dirname/longjump_app_server</tt>, where <tt>/~dirname</tt> is defined in <tt>installation.properties</tt> as the <tt>install_dir</tt> parameter
*Upgrades to the application server should use the same destination directory
*Unpacking the <tt>.tar.gz</tt> file overwrites the <tt>longjump_app_server</tt> file in the destination directory
*Optionally, specify an <tt>install_dir</tt> path in the <tt>installation.properties</tt> file
:*This destination path should be used for future upgrades
====First-Time Installation====
If the platform has been previously installed on this server, follow the instructions at [[#Upgrades|Upgrades]]. Otherwise:
# Review the [[Installable Version Release Notes]].
#Login to a command shell
#Set the <tt>JAVA_HOME</tt> environment variable used by the installation/upgrade script to create configuration settings. For example:
#:<tt>export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_nn/</tt>
#Go to the directory where the install will occur. For example:
#:<tt>cd /opt/{{BrandLabel}}_platform</tt>
#Copy the archive to that directory.
#Unpack it: <tt>tar xvfz longjump_app_server.tar.gz</tt><br/>The <tt>longjump_app_server/</tt> folder is created.
# Go to the installation folder: <tt>cd longjump_app_server</tt>
#Edit <tt>[[installation.properties]]</tt>, to specify the settings for this instance.
#Save the file and make a copy of it.
#*''The settings must be the same for subsequent upgrades.''
#Run the installation script: <tt>#./configure.pl</tt><br/>The application server is installed.
#[[Install the Chart Handling Libraries]]
#[[#Start the Application Server|Start the Application Server]]
#Request a [[Platform License]] for each instance of the Application Server
If this is the first time the platform is being installed on this server, follow the instructions at [[#First-Time Installation|First-Time Installation]].
Otherwise, follow the process described here.
{{Important|Before beginning the upgrade process, copy the installation options in the existing [[installation.properties]] file. The values specified during the upgrade must be consistent with those defined for the previous version.}}
:* '''Automatic tomcat backup:''' The upgrade script automatically backs up the installation's tomcat subdirectory. It does not backup applications or user data. For safety, ''back up the entire installation directory'' (e.g. <tt>longjump_app_server</tt>).
:* '''Prompted DB backup:''' During the upgrade, the platform prompts for a database backup.
:* '''Installation folder:''' In a [[#First-Time Installation|First-Time Installation]], the application server is installed in <tt>longjump_app_server</tt>, by default:
::* If the application server is installed in a different directory, substitute that directory name in these instructions
::* If the <tt>install_dir</tt> parameter is specified in <tt>installation.properties</tt>, use that directory name in these instructions
:* '''Quartz is enabled on every install:''' The Scheduler service is required for platform operations, so it is enabled on every install, whether it is a fresh install or an upgrade. In consequence, you should [[Enabling and Disabling Backend Services#To Disable a service|Disable the Service]] wherever it is currently running, before doing the upgrade. (If you are upgrading multiple servers, Quartz needs to be disabled on each server, in turn.)
;To upgrade the platform:
#Check the [[Installable Version Release Notes]] for any version-specific preparation.
#Login to the server that is currently running the backend Scheduler service (Quartz).
#[[Enabling and Disabling Backend Services#To Disable a service|Disable the Service]] on that server.
#Login to the server to be upgraded.
#[[Install the Chart Handling Libraries]]
#Set the <tt>JAVA_HOME</tt> environment variable.<br/>For example:
#:<tt>export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6.0_nn/</tt>
#Navigate to the directory one level above the directory that contains the application server.<br/>If the server dir is <tt>/opt/{{BrandLabel}}_platform/longjump_app_server</tt>, then
#:<tt>cd /opt/{{BrandLabel}}_platform</tt>
#Copy the upgrade file (<tt>longjump_app_server.vx.x.x.tar.gz</tt>) to this directory.
#In a command-line interface window, enter this command:
#:: <tt>tar xvfz longjump_app_server.vx.x.x.tar.gz --overwrite</tt>
#: The <tt>longjump_app_server/</tt> folder is overwritten.
#Enter <tt>cd longjump_app_server</tt>
#Use a text editor to open the <tt>[[installation.properties]]</tt> file, and add the system details
#Save the file and make a copy of it.<br/>''The settings must be the same for subsequent upgrades.''
#Run the <tt>#./configure.pl</tt> script.
#[[#Start the Application Platform Server|Start the Application Platform Server]]


Revision as of 22:25, 2 August 2013

Installing and Upgrading the Application Server

Installing the Application Server

Upgrading the Application Server


These are instructions are for version 10.5 and later.
If you are upgrading to 10.5, use the 10.5 Upgrade Process, instead.

  1. If you have not already done so:
  2. Use the standard SoftwareAG installer to install the 10.5 platform.
    Learn more: In webMethods documentation page see the 9.9 Installation document.
  3. Start the Application Server
  4. When done, proceed to Configuring the Application Server