AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

Exercise 01: Creating a webMethods AgileApps Cloud Tenant

From AgileApps Support Wiki
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About the Service Desk Application

A Case Management application

  • This initial Service Desk application is provided with each Tenant by default
  • It might be the only application you require
  • You can customize it to meet your business needs
  • A given Tenant-account can have only one Service Desk application

Includes an “out of the box” Service Portal

  • External users (your customers) can use the Service Portal to create and track cases
  • The Service Portal supports a Community and a Knowledgebase
  • You can customize the UI to display your organization’s logo and colors


  • Administration Users can customize (rebrand) the interface of the Service Portal to reflect your organization's branding and terminology:
    • Logo
    • Color
    • Object/Case labels
  • Interface changes will also appear across in the Agent portal of the Service Desk and across all other applications in a cloud-based Tenant
  • To more fully customize the UI of your AgileApps applications, consider using an on-premise installation


This exercise has three parts:


You must use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as your Web browser to access webMethods AgileApps Cloud.

